Find the right class for you.


Prenatal SCULPT.

  • Mama Flow Studio's very own prenatal sculpt method fuses the best of mat pilates, strength training and a little barre inspo to help you strengthen your body throughout your pregnancy and prepare for labor and delivery. Our goal is to guide you through effective movement that is both challenging and safe for you and your baby!

    PSA you'll feel muscles you never knew you had 🤣.

  • Mama Flow Studio offers all trimester friendly prenatal classes!

    Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

  • Each class requires different props and some just your yoga mat.

    Some of the common props used include:

    • 9” pilates ball

    • loop bands

    • long resistance band

    • light weights

    • wall, chair, or countertop

    If you’d like suggestions on which products or brands to buy, you can find them HERE.

Prenatal FLOW.

  • Vinyasa, power yoga, and restorative yoga tailored for pregnant moms to help build strength, increase mobility, and prepare for the motherhood journey ahead.

    We combine dynamic movement with intentional breathwork, meaning you’ll be surprised how challenging these can be!

    Our prenatal FLOW classes help mamas get out of their head and into their body and breath.

  • Mama Flow Studio offers all trimester friendly prenatal classes!

    Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

  • Each class requires different props and pregnancy is the time to celebrate using all the props to make movement more comfortable for you!

    Some of the common props used include:

    • 2 yoga blocks or books

    • wall

    • Bolster or pillow

    If you’d like suggestions on which products or brands to buy, you can find them HERE.


Core Restore.

  • Core Restore is an 8-week core and pelvic floor rehab program designed to help postpartum moms heal and strengthen their body after pregnancy and birth.

  • I recommend Core Restore if:

    • You’re recently postpartum - you can begin Core Restore as soon as you feel ready for breathing and gentle stretches (aka before 6-weeks) Please consult with your physician before beginning program.

    • You’re experiencing symptoms with movement: leaking, pain (back, neck, shoulder, hip, pelvis), pressure down on the pelvic floor or feeling heaviness

    • You have or suspect you have diastasis recti or prolapse

    • You are new to working out

    This means Core Restore may still be right for you even if you are YEARS postpartum!

  • Whenever you feel ready for gentle movement and breathwork (typically anywhere from 2-6 weeks postpartum).

    This is a rehab program, so waiting until 6-8 weeks to start is not necessary unless you’re experiencing postpartum complications and recommended by your healthcare provider to not do any gentle stretching yet.

  • -light-medium loop resistance band

    -light-medium long resistance band (the loop resistance band pack I recommend on amazon includes a long resistance band as well)

    -9" pilates ball (only inflate 80% - should be slightly flat)

    -(1) yoga block OR a stack of books

    -yoga mat


    -rolled up towel or small blanket

    A link to recommended props from amazon can be found in the program tour section here.

    We use the same props for the FLOW and SCULPT classes, so you’ll get great use out of them!

  • Given that Core Restore is a rehab program, it is much different than all the other classes in the studio.

    We move slow and intentional, laying down the important foundations for you to continue to move pain and symptom-free especially as you uplevel.

    It can get boring, I know, but hang in there and know that your commitment to the program will pay off multiple times over.

    The FLOW and SCULPT class will be waiting for you when you’re done!

  • If you are seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist, Core Restore is a GREAT complement to your treatment.

    Don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know what your PT suggests you work on, so we can customize Core Restore to fit your needs!

    Feel free to email me at

Postpartum/Beyond FLOW.

  • Vinyasa and power yoga-inspired classes to help you work on strength and mobility.

    We combine dynamic movement with intentional breathwork, meaning you’ll be surprised how challenging these can be!

    Our FLOW classes help you get out of your head and into your body and breath.

  • Any mamas who have completed Core Restore, a similar rehab program elsewhere, and/or worked with a pelvic floor PT.

    The relaxing FLOW classes are suitable for mamas who are still going through their recovery/rehab phase.

  • I recommend going through the Core Restore program first to build a strong foundation before you move into the FLOW classes.

    The relaxing FLOW classes are appropriate for when you feel ready for some gentle stretching.

  • Each class requires different props and some just your yoga mat.

    Some of the common props used include:

    • yoga blocks or books

    • wall

    If you’d like suggestions on which products or brands to buy, you can find them HERE.


Postpartum/Beyond SCULPT

  • SCULPT classes are pilates fusion classes with some barre and functional strength training mixed in.

    You’ll work on building full-body strength with core strength and stability at the center of everything we do.

  • Any mamas who have completed Core Restore, a similar rehab program elsewhere, and/or worked with a pelvic floor PT and is ready to graduate out of rehab movement.

    These SCULPT classes are challenging, but fun and always have a good beat playing in the background.

  • I recommend going through the Core Restore program first to build a strong foundation before you move into the FLOW classes.

    Even if you are cleared by your doctor at your 6-week check up to resume exercise, I always urge my students to master the basics in Core Restore first before jumping into FLOW and SCULPT classes.

    It’s worth the wait!

  • Each class requires different props and some just your yoga mat.

    Some of the common props used include:

    • 9” pilates ball

    • loop bands

    • long resistance band

    • light weights

    • wall, chair, or countertop

    If you’d like suggestions on which products or brands to buy, you can find them HERE.